Journal of Coptic Studies
A. Suciu, Coptic Scribes and Manuscripts. Dated and Datable Codices from the Monastery of Apa Shenoute. I: The Codices Inscribed by Victor, Son of Shenoute (First Half of the 12th Century), Journal of Coptic Studies 16 (2014) 195-215
Alin Suciu
Journal of Coptic Studies
2020 •
Andrea Hasznos
New Research on Coptic Literature 2008-2012 (Bibliography)
Heike Behlmer
(2012) The Xth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22nd 2012. Paper: Pharmakeia's Scene from PSI 1214 Reconsidered: Survivals in Coptic Magic
Anna Sofia
Alin Suciu
A. Suciu, The Berlin-Strasbourg Apocryphon: A Coptic Apostolic Memoir (WUNT I, 370; Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2017)
Alin Suciu
"The Coptic New Testament and the Editio Critica Maior.” In: Paola Buzi et al. (Hg.). Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. (OLA 247). Leuven 2016, 803–810.
Siegfried G. Richter
The Biblical Annals
A Critical Edition and Philological Analysis of the First Chapter of Deutero-Isaiah (Isa 40) on the Basis of the Coptic Manuscript sa 52 (M 568) in Light of Other Coptic Manuscripts Written in the Sahidic Dialect and the Greek Text of the Septuagint
2019 •
Tomasz Bak
“History and Historiography in Coptic Studies, 2004–2008.” Forthcoming in The Proceedings of the Ninth and Tenth International Congresses of Coptic Studies (Leuven: Peeters, 2016).
Stephen J Davis
in: P. Buzi, A. Camplani, F. Contardi (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times, 2. Vol., Leuven: Peeters 2016
„Adam Gives Names to Animals: Genesis 2,19-20 and the Significance of Names in Gnostic Theology”
2016 •
zuzana vítková
In: Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Leuven : Peeters, 2016. P. 1129-1136.
A 'Tour of Hell' in the Martyrdom of St Philotheus of Antioch
2016 •
Anna Rogozhina
Lettre copte du dossier de Phoibadia (P.Stras.Copt.14)
Loreleï Vanderheyden
Hugo Lundhaug and Lance Jenott, eds. The Nag Hammadi Codices and Late Antique Egypt. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck
‘Dating early Greek and Coptic literary hands’
2018 •
Christian Askeland
Mueller_Uljas, How to say he almost heard FS Vernus (OLA 242).pdf
Sami Uljas
Journal of Coptic Studies
A New Witness to the Paleo-Bohairic Version of the Bible: A Fragmentary Manuscript of the Epistle to the Hebrews in Early Bohairic
2019 •
Ivan Miroshnikov
Harvard Theological Review
A. Suciu, A Coptic Fragment from the History of Joseph the Carpenter in the Collection of Duke University Library, Harvard Theological Review 106:1 (2013) 93-104
Alin Suciu
Orientalia Christiana Periodica 77 (2011) 299-325
A. Suciu, The Borgian Coptic Manuscripts in Naples: Supplementary Identifications and Notes to a Recently Published Catalogue, Orientalia Christiana Periodica 77 (2011) 299-325
Alin Suciu
Essays in Honour of Frederik Wisse: Scholar, Churchman, Mentor ed. W. Kappeler
Paul de Lagarde and the Coptic New Testament
2005 •
Heike Behlmer
Ph. Collombert, D. Lefevre, S. Polis & J. Winand (Hg.), Aere Perennius. Mélanges égyptologiques en l’honneur de Pascal Vernus, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 242, Leuven, Paris & Bristol 2016, 465–491
‚He almost heard’. A Case Study of Diachronic Reanalysis in Coptic Syntax
Matthias Mueller
Archiv für Papyrusforschung und verwandte Gebiete
Pharaoh’s Sorcerers Revisited. A Sahidic Exodus Apocryphon (P.Lips. Inv. 2299) and the Legend of Jannes and Jambres the Magicians between Judaism, Christianity, and Native Egyptian Tradition
2018 •
Frederic Krueger
Diliana Atanassova, Paper Codices with Liturgical Typika from the White Monastery, in: Coptica 9 (2010), 1-23
Diliana Atanassova
Paola Buzi et al. (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times: Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012
Preliminary Report on Four saints from the Mamluk period: Hadid, Yuhanna al-Rabban, Barsauma al-‘Uryan, and ‘Alam
2016 •
Asuka Tsuji
Coptic Authors and Their Literary Works in the First Millennium: Presenting a Current Project. In: M. Lafkioui und V. Brugnatelli (Hrsg.), Writing Sources about Africa and Their Study. Mailand: Biblioteca Ambrosiana, 2018, 127–145
Samuel Moawad صموئيل قزمان معوض
In: <I>Christianity and Monasticism in Upper Egypt</I>, vol. 1: <I>Akhmim and Sohag</I>, edited by Gawdat Gabra and Hany N. Takla, 31–46 (with bibliography on pp. 321–350, passim). Cairo and New York: The American University in Cairo Press
Shenoute's Place in the History of Monasticism [2008b]
2008 •
Stephen Emmel
E. Grossman, P. Dils, T. S. Richter & W. Schenkel (Hg.), Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient Afric¬an Language (DDGLC Working Papers 1), Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica 17, Hamburg, 265–315
Greek Influence on Egyptian-Coptic: Contact-Induced Change in an Ancient African Language
2017 •
Matthias Mueller
Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th–22nd, 2012
Micro- and Macro-Management. Responsibilities of the Head of the Monastery of Apa Apollo at Bawit
2016 •
Gesa Schenke
in: P. Buzi - A. Camplani - F. Contardi (eds.), Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times. Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, OLA 247, Leuven 2016, p. 979-992
The Canons attributed to Basilius of Caesarea
Federico Contardi, Alberto Camplani
Lettre d’un comte à un prêtre, des prôtokômêtes et des kômarques de l’Hermopolite. In: Coptica Argentoratensia. Textes et documents de la 3e université d'été de papyrologie copte. Paris, pp. 159-166.
Chronique d’Égypte
Review Biblia Coptica Sahidica
2017 •
Ágnes T. Mihálykó
Coptic Society, Literature and Religion from Late Antiquity to Modern Times, Proceedings of the Tenth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Rome, September 17th-22nd, 2012, and Plenary Reports of the Ninth International Congress of Coptic Studies, Cairo, September 15th-19th, 2008, Leuven-Paris
El Gendi L'ambon dans l'art copte.pdf
2016 •
Die koptischen Versionen de Proverbienbuches
Frank Feder
Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists
Karlheinz Schüssler, ed. Biblia Coptica: die koptischen Bibeltexte. vol. 4, fasc. 3 (sa 673–720). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2010
2012 •
Christian Askeland
in: Dušek, J., Roskovec, J. (eds.), The Process of Authority. Thy Dynamics in Transmission and Reception of Canonical Texts, Berlin: W. de Gruyter 2016
Holy or Foolish? Gnostic Concept(s) of the Authority of the Old Testament
2016 •
zuzana vítková
The Mystery of Bohairic
Mark Sheridan
Coptica Argentoratensia (P.Stras.Copt.), ed. A. Boud'hors, A. Delattre, C. Louis, and T.S. Richter
A reused piece of paper with a personal letter and a list (P.Stras.Copt. 20)
2014 •
Jelle Bruning
Journal of Theological Studies
A. Suciu, Sitting in the Cell: The Literary Development of an Ascetic Praxis in Paul of Tamma’s Writings. With an Edition of Some Hitherto Unknown Fragments of De Cella, Journal of Theological Studies 68 (2017) 141-171
2017 •
Alin Suciu
Modes of knowing among Coptic monks of Western Thebes
Przemysław Piwowarczyk
Proceedings of the 8th Conference of Japanese Association for Digital Humanities
Building Linguistically and Intertextually Tagged Coptic Corpora with Open Source Tools
2018 •
So Miyagawa, Heike Behlmer
White Paper for NEH grant PW5167214: Coptic SCRIPTORIUM: Digitizing a Corpus for Interdisciplinary Research in Ancient Egyptian
Caroline T Schroeder
New Testament Studies
'A Lycopolitan Forgery of John's Gospel'
2015 •
Christian Askeland
Biblical Studies
Coptic Studies
Digital Edition
Hebrew Bible/Old Testament