1. myUCLAhealth - Login Page
Communicate with your doctor. Get answers to your medical questions from the comfort of your own home. Access your test results. No more waiting for a phone ...
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2. - Ask A Question - UCLA Student Affairs
If you are a UCLA student, faculty, or staff or someone who has been been granted third party access, please sign in to MyUCLA to send your question.
This Message Center is monitored during normal business hours, Monday-Friday (8:00 am to 5:00 pm), excluding University holidays, and it may take several days to receive a response.
3. MyUCLA Gradebook Integration - Bruin Learn Center of Excellence
The MyUCLA Gradebook integration gives instructors the ability to import grades from Bruin Learn to MyUCLA. Instructors can choose to import final grades as ...
The MyUCLA Gradebook integration gives instructors the ability to import grades from Bruin Learn to MyUCLA. Instructors can choose to import final grades as they appear in Bruin Learn, or import individual assignment grades into a custom grade plan in MyUCLA. Suggested final grades can then be reviewed and approved before submitting final grades to the Registrar’s office.
4. MyUCLA Mobile App - Kley
Supporting Students' Needs. MyUCLA is a critical web portal utilized by UCLA's student body to access details around academics, campus life, classes, faculty, ...
MyUCLA is a critical web portal utilized by UCLA’s student body to access details around academics, campus life, classes, faculty, finances, jobs, help, new student info, student services and more. This portal has served the student body well, but in recent years student communication behaviors have evolved, leaving them wanting more. Our research found that over 40% of users access MyUCLA using a mobile device and over 90% of mobile users are using iOS devices. With these statistics in mind, UCLA recognized the need for a solution that can better accommodate the ways students currently communicate.
5. Personal Information | UCLA Registrar's Office
Legal Name Change · Address Change · Lived and Legal Names
Use MyUCLA to update personal information such as address or legal name, and to request a preferred first name.
6. MyUCLA Portal
SYSTEMS ANATOMY (321-342-209) PHY SCI 107 - LAB 1I. Classmates Textbooks. Time: R 9:00A - 11:50A Location: BOELTER 2808 ...
Locations: DODD 121, WGYOUNG CS24
7. UCLA Grades, study list. "My UCLA Gradebook grade v. Official Final ...
Mar 26, 2010 · p>Okay, on the myUCLA's study list, we have our grades listed for each class as “myUCLA gradebook final grade” and “Official Final ...
Okay, on the myUCLA’s study list, we have our grades listed for each class as “myUCLA gradebook final grade” and “Official Final Grade”
Are these the same?
Because the official final grade for physics says “Not available”, while the gradebook final grade says I got an A, and that definately should not have happened.
Is this simply and error, or are the “Official Final grades” different from “MyUCLA final gradebook” grades? It does not seem to be the case for my math...
8. UCLA Health Apps
A patient-facing, tablet-based app to provide patients with information and tools that can help engage them more directly in their own plan of care. Download ...
Download the free UCLA Health apps available for iPhone and Android.
9. [DOC] MyUCLA Voter Registration System
UCLA. Award category. Innovation. Name of person, name of the team, or name of the project to receive the award. Project MyUCLA Voter Registration System.
10. UCLA Extension - Continuing Education Courses & Certificates
UCLA Extension provides best in class education in business, engineering, arts, education, and much more. Classes held online and in person.