Guide for The Outer Worlds (Windows) (2024)

Fallbrook and Cascadia—Page Summary

  • Complete the Errors Unseen faction quest
  • Complete the Sucker Bait faction quest
  • Initiate Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest and accompany Nyoka to Hayes's Grave
  • Complete Felix’s companion quest, Friendship’s Due
  • Complete Vicar Max’s companion quest, The Empty Man
  • Advance Star-Crossed Troopers in Emerald Vale and on Scylla
  • Liberate Devil's Peak Station
  • Transfer the Alta-Vitae Gas in Cascadia
  • Deal with the faction disputes

Fallbrook and Cascadia—Roadmap and Key Decisions

  • Key Decision #1: Spare Trask during Friendship’s Due
  • Key Decision #2: Expose Harlow during Friendship’s Due
  • Vicar Max’s companion quest: The Empty Man—Talk to Reginald Chaney & help Max fulfil his vision quest
  • Nyoka’s companion quest: Star-Crossed Troopers
  • Stop the radio transmissions for Radio Free Monarch
  • Sublight Faction Quest: Space-Crime Continuum
  • Key Decision #3: After a hard save, side with a faction and win the battle for Monarch
  • Key Decision #4: Load the hard save and negotiate a truce between the factions

Fallbrook, Cascadia, & Monarch Wilderness side quests & tasks:

  1. Mr. Pickett's Biggest Game (Optional--Recommend Pass)
  2. Little Memento (Optional—Recommend Pass)

Minimalist Approach: For players who want to cut to the chase and focus exclusively on activities related to achievements:

  • Go directly to UDL Lab (point 6). Pick up Error’s Unseen data cartridge for Sanjar. Pick up Gloop Gun.
  • Enter Fallbrook and summon your ship to the landing pad.
  • Talk to Reginald Chaney (point 4) to advance The Empty Man companion quest.
  • Pick up the Old Data Cartridge at the Abandoned Relay Station (Point 7) for Sucker Bait.
  • Visit the Old Weathered Grave (Point 10) for Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest.
  • Report back to Sanjar and Zora to agree to stop the radio transmissions.
  • Go directly to Devil’s Peak Station (Point 12). Defeat the enemies.
  • Talk to Hiram, the info broker to stop the transmissions.
  • Complete Friendship’s Due companion quest on Scylla.
  • Advance Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest in Emerald Vale.
  • Complete The Empty Man companion quest on Scylla.
  • Pick up the Ersatz Cakes and Zora’s review in southern Cascadia.
  • Transfer the Alta-Vitae Gas and pick up the Mind Control Ray in Rizzo’s Secret Lab.
  • Pick up the targeting module and the Gunship Crash Site (Point 15).
  • After a hard save, give the targeting module to Sanjar and unlock Monarch Abides.
  • Load the hard save, negotiate a truce between MSI and the Iconoclasts (Point 16).

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Items not bolded are optional and can be skipped by those who favor expediency
  1. Optional: Kill Mantiqueen--Mr. Pickett's Biggest Game
  2. Fallbrook Crossroads: Lenora Talley, Stellar Supplies Vendor—if optionally rescued
  3. Fallbrook Landing Pad
  4. Reginald Chaney: The Empty Man companion quest
  5. Smuggler’s Tunnel: Errors Unseen
  6. UDL Lab: Errors Unseen & Weapons from the Void—Gloop Gun
  7. Abandoned Rely Station: Sucker Bait
  8. Optional: Abandoned Safehouse—Little Memento
  9. Optional: C&P Factory Sewer Entrance—Slaughterhouse Clive
  10. Old Weathered Grave: Companion quest—Star-Crossed Troopers
  11. Optional: Devil’s Peak Canyon Entrance—Mandibles of Doom
  12. Devil’s Peak Station: Radio Free Monarch
  13. Southern Cascadia: Ersatz cakes for Don’t Bite the Sun
  14. Northern Cascadia: Space-Crime Continuum and Mind Control Ray
  15. Gunship Crash Site: Canid’s Cradle
  16. OSI Church: Meet with Sanjar and Zora—Canid’s Cradle

Leave Amber Heights. Take a left at the T-junction—Amber Heights Crossroads and another left at the fork.

Optional-- Mr. Pickett's Biggest Game: Except for those on the slow scenic route, give this a pass and jump ahead to Errors Unseen. For those into the full immersive experience, make Mr. Pickett's Biggest Game the active quest. After following the road for a while, after a while, you’ll be able to follow the quest marker into the wilderness to your left.

The marker leads you to a Mantiqueen. Defeat it and loot its body for the journal. We’ll conclude the quest with Sebastian next time we’re in Stellar Bay. In the vicinity, you can defeat a mega-raptidon if you’re so inclined.

Continue past where you defeated the mega-raptidon until you reach the stone wall. Turn left. Hug the wall to your right until you find an opening to a cave. Enter and exhaust the conversational options with Elroy Booth. Later, he’ll relocate to Cascadia Turnpike as a vendor. In my opinion, he sells nothing remarkable. Unlike Lenora, he is not in distress so, if you’re on a fast track, you should not feel compelled to go out of your way to find him.

Errors Unseen

Make Errors Unseen the active quest. Follow the marker. This should put you back on the road to Fallbrook if you left it. You’ll find Lenora at the Fallbrook Crossroads if you rescued her earlier. Sell surplus inventory to her. Take a right along the broken (blown) bridge. Defeat the enemies.

Exhaust the conversational options with Weston Sloan at the broken edge of the bridge. Talking to him makes him available as a vendor near the Amber Heights Crossroads. Unlike Elroy Booth, Weston often has items of value. He is the first vendor, I have found, to offer the Dead-Eye II, the Hunting Rifle Hyper, and the Light Assault Rifle Mk. III for sale. It’s a small convenience—the weapons are soon available elsewhere for sale and as loot.

Turn around and go straight crossing the (unbroken) bridge on the other side into Fallbrook. Transition into the town creating an auto-save. There are several things to do but, first, follow ‘main street’ to the other end. Go up the ramp to the landing pad. Interact with the terminal. This will summon your ship. Enter it.

Perform the administrative tasks you need to do. Manage your equipment at the workbench. Stash inventory excess to your current needs but that you want to hang onto. Remember we want to keep our older Dead-Eye and Assault Rifle as we upgrade. Sleep for six hours. Eat and drink as necessary. Make a manual save.

Leveling Considerations--Assuming you intend to play the DLCs

If you have been doing all the side quests, your level should be in the upper teens—maybe higher if you’ve been doing extra exploring. For the some of the completionists, the base science skill may have already reached 100. When the base Science skill reaches 100, you are free to allocate points as you see fit. Here are some considerations.

  • The most important leveling consideration is to get armor master as soon as tier 3 perks become availablelevel 22. It doubles equipment bonuses—armor or clothing and headgear. It does not double mod bonuses though.
  • There are two critical dialog checks late in the game—Persuade 150 and Intimidate 150. By that time, you will have the afore-mentioned armor master perk that doubles equipment bonuses. Accordingly, your targets for the base Persuade and Intimidate skills are 60 and 70 respectively.
  • If you want a little slack, allocate another 10 points to these dialog skills: 65 for Persuade and 75 for Intimidate. The increases give you a little more freedom and it's what I recommend below.
  • Note that you can always use the vocational competence respecification machine on your ship to respec your character. There, you can reset your skills aboard your ship in order to meet demanding prerequisites. The machine is above the workbench. Use the ladder in the workbench area to find it. It costs 500 bits the first time to use it and the price gradually increases each time you use it.
  • Because the above dialog checks are so far in the future, you can concentrate on what will make the game easier for you. By this time, you have your own style so you can concentrate on optimizing it.
  • I, personally, bring up Sneak to 150. I feel it is the only skill whose where the base value of 150 provides a tangible benefit. Sneak 150 ensures enemies do not alert when a sneak one shot kill takes out a member of the group. This is a significant benefit with the powerful enemies on Gorgon and Eridanos late in the game.
  • Another avenue you might overlook because we don’t emphasize companions is bringing the base Inspiration skill up to 60. At base level 60, Inspiration doubles all companion bonuses. This is an easier way of passing the high level skill checks than pumping a lot of points in each separate skill.
  • The key point is you don’t have to commit at this point. Invest in what will help you with the game. We do not get to the first critical skill check until the end of Peril on Gorgon and we can always respec our character to make the 150 Persuasion check. Similarly, the final dialog in the game requires a combined Science 90, Persuasion 90 skill check followed by an Intimidation 150 skill check. Again, if we have insufficient bonuses to pass the skill checks, we can always respec the character.
  • A viable approach is to invest the skill points as you see fit until the start of Peril on Gorgon. You will level up at least 3 times. Use that leveling to bring the base persuade skill to 60 or 65. After that, invest in Intimidate until the base Intimidation skill reaches 70 or 75.
  • I also recommend, while on Eridanos, to bring the base Medical skill to 60. This provides a 50% duration increase to status effects inflicted by weapons. It makes the Mad Scientist achievement much easier. It's a science weapon achievement. The best science weapons for it are found on Gorgon & Eridanos so I defer it until late in the game.
  • To conclude, once your Science reaches 100, you are free to evolve your character as you see fit. We always have the option of a character reset if you have to meet the late game skill checks. This is purely advisory and the walkthrough will provide more detailed guidance when it comes time to prepare for the skill checks.

When your science skill reaches 100, if it has not already done so, you will unlock:

  • Skilled

    Raised a skill to 100.

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tl;dr—If you don’t want to respec your character to pass Gorgon and Endgame demanding skill checks, ensure you have these minimum base (unadjusted) skills:

  • Persuade: 65—Before the end of Peril on Gorgon, page 11
  • Intimidate: 75—Before traveling to Tartarus, page 13
  • Medical: 60—By the end of Murder on Eradonos, page 12. A reminder is provided on that page
  • Science: 90—Before traveling to Tartarus, page 13. If you follow the WT, it will be at 100 well before then

Exit the ship, taking Max and Nyoka with you. There are quite a few vending machines in Fallbrook beginning with T&L’s Exotic Assets at the landing pad. Check them for a Mag-2-Ray if you haven’t picked one up yet and whatever else you might find handy. There are two good vendors—an armor vendor and a weapons vendor—but neither one is likely to sell the Mag-2-Ray. But you will get better deals from them on equipment than you can get from vending machines.

From this point on, until you get the Mag-2-Ray, check all vending machines for this mod that we'll use for two achievements.

Talk to Nyoka. Learn her story and initiate the Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest. If the topic does not appear when you leave the ship, check with her periodically. The Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest becomes available for some players earlier than for others.

Follow the quest marker to Catherine Malin, the Sublight faction representative. Exhaust the conversational options to accomplish 3 things:

  1. Advance the Space-Crime Continuum Sublight faction quest
  2. Advance the Errors Unseen MSI faction quest
  3. Initiate the Slaughterhouse Clive faction quest

You can also rent a room from Catherine for a one-time very inexpensive fee. It’s got some minor loot and a workbench. However, since we have our ship on the landing pad (where we can save the game), the rented room is superfluous.

Exit and go next door to Duncan’s Whole Dry Goods. Use dialog skills to get a Boarst Factory ID Cartridge from Duncan Elley. Trade with him—he’s the armor vendor I mentioned earlier. Make sure to buy the SubLight Datapad and Damaged UDL Datapad for the Weapons from the Void side quest. Though not essential—because I’m going to tell you where to find the science weapons—obtaining the datapads will give you a quest marker for each weapon.

Feel free to check out the Guns! Guns! Guns! And Ammo vendor next to Duncan. Make The Empty Man the active quest. Follow the quest marker next door and search Reginald Chaney’s residence. You find out he’s panning for gold.

Follow the quest marker to the river back in the direction of your ship. Exhaust the conversational options. Take a tone of reason to balance out Max’s ire. Do NOT kill Chaney—much as Vicar Max would have you do. Killing Reginald doesn’t botch the quest but it complicates its completion. Moreover, Max is clearly over-reacting and we need to stay on the moral high ground.

At the end of the interaction, the companion quest will update. The next stop is Scylla but we’ll back-burner Max’s companion quest for now.

Fast travel to your ship. Go to the terminal in your stateroom and read all new entries if any—it may already be current. We, specifically, want Weapons from the Void to be up to date. Make a manual save. Exit. This time take Nyoka (for a companion quest) and Felix (to make him receptive for his companion quest) with you.

As you exit town note the insurance office on your right. This is where we’ll conclude Ellie’s companion quest but we have to go to Byzantium first to start it. The last building on the right before you exit town is where you find Nelson Mayson who gives you the Spratlings task.

Unless you are a die-hard completionist, I recommend you give this a pass. It’s tedious, the humor’s sophom*oric, and the rewards are minimal. It involves killing raptidons in a cave and looting the bodies of the drug-running sprats they’ve killed. Then, going to another location and looting more drugs from piles of sprat-dung.

Nelson is acting on his own so you can abuse him without suffering negative rep including punching him in the eye a couple of times. If you decide to do the task, after concluding the business with Nelson, Catherine will give you an additional small reward.

Errors Unseen

Exit town either directly or after completing the Spratlings task. Make Errors Unseen the active quest. Follow the marker. You’ll find yourself at the bottom of the blown bridge where you talked to Weston. Catherine directed you here telling you this is the place where one of her supply teams went missing. The quest marker has you investigate the equipment and, then, follow a blood trail. It leads through a hatch into a smuggler’s tunnel.

There are mines in the tunnel. Follow the quest marker to Arthur, killing enemies and avoiding mines. Detonate only the mines in your path. You may want to keep some undetonated mines in case you want to deliberately induce a concussion later on.

Arthur, the Sublight courier, tells you he was ambushed by marauders who, afterwards, continued up the hill. You deduce the marauders may have also been after the unauthorized corporation running the secret facility.

Exit the way you came so as not to come across new mines. Follow the quest marker up the hill to the secret facility—the UDL lab.

Eliminate the enemies outside and inside the facility. Scientists, outside, will call for help but their demise is scripted. There’s nothing you can do to help so focus on the task at hand.

Entering the UDL Lab is a transition that creates an auto-save. Once the enemies are eliminated, use the terminal on the second floor to eject a UDL Research Data cartridge. This is the evidence Sanjar needs.

Make Weapons from the Void the active quest. On a nearby desk with a broken terminal, find a keycard. Follow the quest marker to a terminal downstairs and activate it with the keycard you just found. You can hack it, but you’d need to pass a 150 skill check which is, almost certainly, beyond your current capability. Give the following answers:

  • Protect the Chairman.
  • Berate him relentlessly to defend the Chairman’s honor.
  • Arrest your spouse and admit your children to a reeducation program.

This unlocks the container with the Gloop Gun. Pick it up. Do not sell it. You’ll need it for a future achievement.

Sucker Bait

Exit the facility. Make Sucker Bait the active quest. Follow the quest marker to the Abandoned Relay Station. There are enemies in the compound and just outside it so be patient. The enemies inside include a mega-mantisaur and the enemies outside include a mantiqueen. However, you can use your usual tactics. Take out the minions first one at a time and retreat out of range between kills. Then, go all out on the final, most powerful enemy.

Use the access card Zora gave you to unlock the station. Pick up the Old Data Cartridge on the floor. This is the evidence Zora needs. The loot in the station includes the unique, named headgear, Hemlock's Eyepatch. It provides +10% sneak attack damage that you might find useful.

Star-Crossed Troopers

If you’re doing Little Memento, an unremarkable optional side quest I recommend skipping, make it active. Follow the quest marker to the Abandoned Safehouse. Use the Hunter Outpost Keycard Ash gave you to enter. Search it. Read the Electronic Log and the nearby terminal entries. Follow the quest marker to the waterfall. Investigate and loot the area. All that’s left is to report back to Ash next time we go to Amber Heights.

Make Slaughterhouse Clive active. There are half a dozen ways to do this optional quest. Because it’s so easy and we’re working to curry favor with Sublight, I recommend doing it. Enter the river near the Abandoned Safehouse. Use the above map for reference in case you didn’t do Little Memento.

Looking at your map, follow the river down a short distance. Follow the quest marker to the C&P Factory Sewer Entrance. Enter. This is a transition that creates an auto-save.

Take a left and go through the pigs at the feeding troughs to find a terminal. With Nyoka who provides a Medical bonus, you should easily pass the Medical skill check (around 55) especially if you wear Technical Skills +5 bonus armor (with the improved Technical Skills +10 kit) along with Medical +5 headgear. Increase the pigs’ vitamin supplements by 4000%. There’s more than one terminal but only one will advance the side quest.

Your C&P ID cartridge will keep you incognito and you can easily pass up to 3 security encounters. This is one of half a dozen ways to resolve this side quest. All that’s left is to report back to Catherine.

Make Star-Crossed Troopers active. Exit the facility from the front rather than the sewer entrance you came in. This puts you very close to where the quest marker directs you.

Follow the quest marker killing the raptidons you encounter. It's guarded by Raptidons that you'll need to kill first. You discover an Old, Weathered Grave. Investigate and then talk to Nyoka. This advances the companion quest. Its next objective is to talk to Hiram, the information broker. Fortuitously, he is our next stop in the main story mission, and we’ll be able to kill two birds with one stone.

For now, fast travel back to the ship. You know the drill. Repair and upgrade equipment as necessary. Stash extra stuff. Sleep 6 hours. Take care of hunger & thirst. Make a manual save.

Use the navigation terminal to go to Stellar Bay. Report to Sanjar. You’ve done all the MSI faction quests so he’ll agree to stop his broadcasts. Check your journal. Conclude any Stellar Quest side quests &/or tasks you may have undertaken—A Family Matter & Mr. Pickett’s Journal. While in town, check the vending machines for Mag-2-Ray.

We next have to go to Amber Heights. I find it a little simpler going from Fallbrook. Fast travel to your ship. Go to the Fallbrook Landing pad. Exit taking Nyoka and Felix with you. On your way out, stop by Catherine to report on Slaughterhouse Clive.

Exit Fallbrook. Sell any excess gear to Lenora. If she’s not available to you, we’ll use Weston just outside of Amber Heights.

Make Sucker Bait active. Follow the quest marker—sticking to the road—to Amber Heights. Report to Zora to conclude Sucker Bait. Report to Ash if you did Little Memento.

If you haven't got it yet, check the vending machines for the Mag-2-Ray mod. Exit Amber Heights. Check with Weston—take a left at the crossroads and an immediate right off the road to a small tent encampment. We’re looking for a Dead-Eye II Assault Rifle or an Assault Rifle Ultra. Sell any excess gear you might have.

Fast travel back to your ship. Rest up and make a manual save. Exit and take Nyoka and Felix with you.

Mandibles of Doom

Exit Fallbrook and take a left at the Fallbrook Crossroads. Follow the road to the Abandoned Safehouse. Ideally, the enemies you killed earlier have not respawned and it will be smooth going. Otherwise be prepared to deal with hostiles.

Cross the bridge just past the Abandoned Safehouse and enter the water. Take a left and another left and enter the Devil’s Peak Caverns. The entrance is off a side channel to the river. On your game map, it is above where you entered the C&P Boarst Factory through the Sewer Entrance. Refer to the above WT map if you need assistance. Entering the caverns is a transition that creates an autosave.

Look at your map. Make your way to the upper level. The visibility is not the best. Once you clear the initial passageway find a ramp you can go up. It’s not hidden but the low visibility is a bit of a hindrance. The faster you can find and go up the ramp, the fewer lower level enemies you have to face.

It is possible to sneak by the enemies and that would be the most expedient approach unless you want the XP for killing them. Of course, if your intent is to kill for XP, explore the entire lower level in its entirety eliminating all hostiles.

On the upper level, sneak past or kill the first manti-enemies you encounter. Past them, defeat the Mega-Mantiqueen confronting Berthold Fox. Speak to him and exhaust the conversational choices. He’ll tell you to meet him at the C3 Barracks.

Look at your map. Just past Berthold’s position, take a right and exit to the Monarch Wilderness. Don’t go too far. Otherwise, you’ll run into mines and enemies you don’t want to deal with. This is especially the case because we want to have some undetonated mines at our disposal in case we need to deliberately induce a concussion.

Look at your journal. Encountering Berthold has initiated the Mandibles of Doom Task. Make it active and follow the quest marker to the nearby C3 Barracks.

Talk to Berthold who has beaten you to the Barracks. Exhaust the conversational options and he’ll agree to help you against the Marauders at the Devil’s Peak Station. Berthold will give you a Keycard and invite you to take anything you want. The loot includes the unique, named long gun, Thunder.

Talking to Berthold updates the main story mission, Radio Free Monarch. Make it active.

Radio Free Monarch

Completing the Mandibles of Doom task turns the C3 mercenaries into allies. They agree to help you attack the Marauders if you can get the main gate open.

Follow the quest marker to the Devil’s Peak Station. Defeat the enemies outside. You have good cover and can snipe them from a distance. The C3 mercenaries will not be able to enter until you transition inside the station. Accordingly, after defeating the outside enemies, head up the ramp and enter where indicated by the quest marker.

Once you neutralize the marauders in this area, use the intercom at the quest marker to talk to Hiram Blythe. He knows Nyoka and will address her. Hiram wants you to deal with the marauder threat. Follow the quest marker and go up the elevator that Hiram has just made accessible.

Tip: Exit the station where you came in and immediately re-enter. The transition creates an auto-save.

When you exit the elevator, you’ll need to defeat the marauders. This is where the C3 contracted mercenaries will join you. You can let them defeat the marauders and mop up if needed. Nevertheless, on supernova, many of the mercenaries (perhaps all—including Berthold) will not survive.

The more proactive you are the more likely they are to survive. If they all die, there are no negative repercussions. Accordingly, deal with the hostiles inside the station as you see fit.

This is where an auto-save comes in handy. If you feel bad about getting Berthold killed right after you rescued him from the Mandibles of Doom, load up the auto-save and try again. The greatest threat to Berthold is the Marauder ringleader near the intercom. Thus, if you take him out quickly yourself, Berthold’s chance of survival significantly improves.

Note that Berthold’s fate is irrelevant to achievements. I mention it only if his fate is relevant to your immersive experience. If he dies, the surviving C3 members express their surprise at him getting ‘snuffed out.’ If Berthold survives, the talk is about drink and pay.

After all enemies are defeated, use the intercom and Hiram will open the door. As soon as you talk to him, you unlock:

  • Pirate Radio

    Stopped the Monarch broadcasts.

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Exhaust all conversational options. Hiram is a true recluse and needs you to go outside and activate a switch. Doing so, triggers a cut scene. A ship crashes into the Cascadia wilderness initiating the Canid's Cradle faction quest. The two factions—MSI and the Iconoclasts—each want the crashed ship’s targeting module.

The main reason we took Felix along is that he does not care for Graham’s tactics. After Sucker Bait and listening to your conversation with Hiram as well as Graham talking over the comms about the ship crashing, Felix is ready to confide in you and trigger his companion quest. He asks to talk to you.

We’re not quite ready to leave Devil’s Peak Station. We have to speak with Hiram one last time. Before we do, we should check with Felix.

Equip the Determination +7 armor with the (improved) Silver Tongue kit (+5 or +10 Dialog, +10 Leadership) along with A Nice Hat (Persuade +7, Leadership Skills +5). Since you now have the Armor Master perk that doubles armor (but not mod) bonuses, your Determination will be comfortably above 40. Exhaust the dialog with Felix. Be positive with all your responses to initiate the companion quest Friendship’s Due.

Felix is temperamental. He is the only companion who is likely to leave your party on his own. Because of this, we will do his companion quest immediately. Make Friendship’s Due the active quest. While we’re at it, we’ll conclude Vicar Max’s quest as well before returning to Monarch.

I equip the armor and headgear with the Determination bonuses throughout. If you want to change them, make sure to re-quip them anytime you talk to Felix. They probably are not necessary but Felix is high maintenance and it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Now that we have Felix’s companion quest on track, we can’t neglect Nyoka’s. Speak to Hiram inside the Devil’s Peak Station and say Nyoka needs a favor. With Felix in the party, you should easily be able to pass a dialog skills check. Hiram directs Nyoka to check out an Outpost in Emerald Vale.

Exhaust all other conversational choices with Hiram. When you’re finished exit to the station’s exterior.

Friendship’s Due

Fast travel to your ship. At the navigation terminal select Scylla. In addition to the regular Scylla landing pad, you now have an additional option: Harlow’s Base. Travel to this new location. Afterwards, manage your equipment, sleep, eat, and drink.

Friendship’s Due can be completed in a number of ways. We’re going to keep Trask alive and expose Harlow. There is a small possibility of a glitch as described in the info box so maintain two or three backup save files for insurance:

There is a known bug with Felix’s companion quest. I experienced the bug myself when playing the console’s Spacer's Choice version of the game. The approach I present here is designed to minimize the potential of triggering the bug. If it does manifest itself, it is not fatal. The details are as follows:

  • When you go back to Harlow after he asks you to kill Trask, you may only get the option to tell Harlow that Trask is dead even though you may never meet Trask much less kill him. The game glitches and determines that you kill Trask.
  • Even though the quest, because of this glitch, is bugged, the companion quest, Friendship's Due, is successfully completed. The outcome, though, does not satisfy our intent to keep Trask alive.
  • Be careful with your dialog choices. Some selections cause Felix to leave. His departure does not affect achievement achievements. Nevertheless, Felix is the best companion to boost persuasion--a trait that is invaluable during the Peril on Gorgon questline
  • Reverting to an old save file will, most likely, not resolve the bug or you might have to go back so far that it's not worth the effort. In contrast, if Felix leaves, you should be able to revert to a recent backup and engineer a more positive outcome.

Exit with Felix in tow. Sam’s a good second companion for his Intimidate bonus. Follow the quest marker to Harlow. When accosted, use a dialog skill check. Remember to check vending machines for the Mag-2-Ray mod if you don't have it yet.

During the conversation, make sure you make it clear that Felix is a valued member of your crew. Harlow not only expects Felix to be loyal to him but demonstrate his loyalty by passing a test. He wants Felix to kill Rufus Trask who he claims is a traitor and return with Trask’s ring as proof of his demise.

Harlow doesn’t know where Trask is but suggests you start with Trask’s estranged wife on Groundbreaker. Travel to Groundbreaker. Take Felix and Parvati with you. Follow the quest marker to our favorite bar, the Lost Hope. Rosana is leaning against a wall to your left as you enter. Talk to her.

Because of your previous good deeds, you enjoy revered status with Groundbreaker. This puts you in good stead with Rosana who opens up about his whereabouts. If you don't have it yet, make sure to check vending machines for the Mag-2-Ray mod before you return to your ship. Travel to Emerald Vale.

With Felix and a second companion of your choosing, exit the ship. I have found the four vending machines to be a very reliable source for the Mag-2-Ray mod if you don't have it yet. One of the two Spacer's Choice Insta-Merch Vending Machines, in particular, usually carries it. I'm going to assume you have the mod and will stop sounding like a broken record.

follow the quest marker to North Gulch. Exhaust the conversation with Trask. Be honest with him. Tell him you have no intention of carrying out Harlow’s test. Trask will give you his ring. He will also tell you about some evidence you can use to expose Harlow.


We need to get two achievements that involve N-Rays. We must kill 20 enemies afflicted with the N-Ray status effect and we must kill a single enemy after afflicting it with all five damage types including N-Ray. You have two options for each. Unlock the achievement a throw-away file as we did with the companion kills achievement or pop it during normal game play.

If you plan to proceed on supernova and unlock the achievements during normal game play, I recommend modding an old Dead-Eye or Hunting Rifle—one you’re not using any more—with the Mag-2-Ray. An old sniping type rifle is ideal because we don’t want to make it too powerful. It needs to inflict the N-Ray status effect rather than kill the target outright.

As you play with the Mag-2-Ray modded weapon, your goal will be to injure the targets without killing them. There's an achievement for hitting humanoid enemies 30 times in the groin while in TTD. You can hit the same enemy multiple times. This is a good opportunity to kill two birds with one stone.

For a groin hit to count, enter TTD and target the enemy's crotch. When the caption, "weaken" appears; you have correctly targeted the groin. Shoot. Each hit to the groin (to the same or different enemy or enemies), while TTD is in effect, counts towards the achievement. The achievement pops on the 30th hit:

  • Poor Sportsmanship

    Hit 30 enemies in the groin during tactical time dilation.

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Auto-mechanicals can’t be afflicted with the N-Ray status. Whereas your weapon will kill them, it’s not the most efficient and the unafflicted auto-mechanicals won’t count towards the achievement.

For those who want to unlock the achievements on a throw-away file: Make a hard manual save. Change the game’s difficulty to normal—story may be too easy for what we want to do. Create a new save file remembering the earlier admonition to never over-write a supernova save file with one of lesser difficulty.

Modify an old assault rifle with the Mag-2-Ray. There’s no need to tinker with the weapon or modify it with anything other than the Mag-2-Ray. Note that you are, very likely, replacing an earlier magazine mod with the Mag-2-Ray.

If you’ve killed a lot of enemies near Edgewater, sleep for 96 hours to make sure they all respawn. If, on the other hand, you went directly overland to North Gulch without engaging enemies along the way, you can proceed without sleeping.

Exit the ship. Enter the town and go through it exiting the door closest to the workbench. Proceed along the road. There are three enemies at the junction where a road branches to the right. As soon as you have them in your sights make a new manual save. Go into TTD and shoot them with the modded assault rifle. Target the groin to double dip towards Poor Sportsmanship.

While under TTD, a panel on the lower left side of the screen will reveal any status effects the enemy has acquired. Note the N-Ray status effect. Continue to slowly shoot the enemy with the N-ray assault rifle until you kill it. If you are shooting into a crowd, the target has a good probability of infecting other enemies. They, too, when killed, count towards the achievement.

After you kill the 3 enemies continue straight. There are at least another 3 enemies in the first house on the right. Kill them with N-Ray assault rifle the same way you killed the first 3. Go back to the junction and take it towards the Abandoned Outpost where you’ll find at least four enemies—one of them a canid. Kill them with the N-Ray assault rifle.

When you’ve killed these ten or more enemies, load up the manual save you just made and kill the same enemies a second time. The achievement pops when you kill your 20th enemy infected by N-rays. Not all the enemies you killed may have been afflicted with N-Rays so it may take more than 20 kills. Repeat killing these enemies until you unlock:

  • Patient N

    Killed 20 enemies that were infected by spreading N-rays.

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Make sure you have a long gun that deals only physical damage—preferably one at a fairly low level that doesn’t inflict much damage. If you have a very lean inventory, loot the dead enemies and pick up a Hunting Rifle, Light Assault Rifle, or Assault Rifle. Fast travel back to your ship. Use the navigation terminal to go to Fallbrook.

The next achievement requires us to kill an enemy after injuring it with each of the five damage types:

  1. Physical
  2. Shock
  3. Plasma
  4. Corrosive
  5. N-ray

On the ship, equip yourself with the Mag-2-Ray modded assault rifle, your regular Mag-2-Shock weapon (probably an Assault Rifle Ultra or Light Assault Rifle Mk. II), an old Hunting Rifle or Dead-Eye (I or II) modded with the Mag-2Power for plasma damage, and your regular high-powered Mag-2-Melt sniping type rifle. Be prepared to swap the high powered weapon with the physical long gun we just discussed. You can change the game’s difficulty to Story.

Exit the ship. Take only SAM with you. He will be inflicting corrossive damage but, for now, his inclinations should be set to passive. Head out the main Fallbrook gate. Take a left into the river as soon as you cross the bridge. A little ways in front of you is a mega-Mantiqueen accompanied by several Mantisaurs and/or Mantipillars. There’s a convenient tree you can use for cover and concealment. Kill the lesser enemies at a distance from stealth using your best weapon.

Once the minions have been eliminated, replace the high powered Mag-2-Melt weapon with the low powered physical long gun. Make it the active weapon. Arrange your weapons so you can swap them in sequence for least powerful to most powerful. Change SAM’s inclinations to Medium, Ranged, and Defensive. Change the game’s difficulty to Hard so the mega-Mantiqueen will not perish too quickly.

Wait until the mega-Mantiqueen is not alert and make a new save. Go into TTD. From the cover of the tree, attack the mega-Mantiqueen with the low powered physical weapon shooting only once or twice but making sure you register damage. Get out of TTD, switch to slot 2, go into TTD again, and attack the mega-Mantiqueen with one or two shots of the second damage type—let’s say shock. Get out of TTD. The first two attacks are designed, intentionally, to result in minimal damage to allow you plenty of time for the 3 remaining damage types.

The Mantiqueen will be moving towards you but has a lot of ground to cover. Switch to the third weapon—let’s say the N-Ray assault rifle. Go into TTD (assuming you have some charge in the gauge) and inflict the 3rd damage type. Switch to your final and, ideally, most powerful weapon—say a plasma Dead-Eye rifle—but don’t fire it yet.

At this point, direct SAM to attack by pressing up on the d-pad Guide for The Outer Worlds (Windows) (20). SAM inflicts corrosive damage. As soon as his damage registers, fire with your final weapon and kill the mega-Mantiqueen. You will unlock:

  • Elemental Maelstrom

    Killed an enemy that was hit with all 5 damage types.

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If something goes wrong, load up the save and try again making adjustments to mitigate what went wrong. When you exited Fallbrook, you generated an auto-save in case you want to backtrack further. If you are killing the Mantiqueen too slowly, AFTER all five damage types are inflicted, you can swap to your most powerful weapon and administer the coup de gras.

It doesn’t matter if status effects wear off. As long as you have damaged the enemy, no matter how slightly with each of the five damage types, you will pop the achievement.

Friendship’s Due Concluded

Load up the manual supernova save you made after returning from your conversation with Trask. Delete any save throw-away save files not tagged as supernova. You can put the weapon with the Mag-2-Ray mod in your stash or dispose of it as you see fit. You will not need it for the remainder of the game. On the other hand, if the damage type appeals to you, you can include the weapon in your repertoire.

Go back to Harlow’s Base on Scylla. Take Felix with you. Sam is a good second companion. There will be two quest markers. Follow the one to the evidence which you’ll find behind a panel. They are stashed receipts that prove Harlow is in the Board’s employ. Wearing the equipment with the Determination bonuses, talk to Felix. The wind has been taken out of his sails but he grasps at straws suggesting there might be an explanation. Don’t puss*foot around. Bluntly tell Felix, “We found evidence. Your old friend’s been bought off by the Board.”

Follow the second quest marker to Harlow. Keep wearing the equipment with the Determination bonuses. Confront Harlow and show him the evidence. Eventually, Felix will denounce Harlow. Harlow, will say he’s not on trial—Felix is. But will recognize he’s lost his credibility and will attack. Kill him and his people (& canids). You’ll engage only a few at first but all inhabitants of the compound will have turned hostile.

When the hostilities subside, talk to Felix. He’s shaken up but his companion quest, Friendship’s Due, is complete. He understands that, unlike Harlow, you respect him. He’ll continue to serve as a valued crew member. Since this is our first completed companion quest, we unlock:

  • Anything for a Friend

    Finished a companion's quest line.

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Star-Crossed Troopers

Fast travel to your ship. Use the navigation terminal to go to Emerald Vale. You’ll land at the Edgewater landing pad where you interacted with Ludwig at the beginning of the game. Make Star-Crossed Troopers the active quest. Exit the ship and take Nyoka and Felix (or other companion of your choice) with you.

Follow the quest marker to the Abandoned Spacer’s Choice Settlement. After defeating the enemies, investigate the panel on the door to the building designated by the quest marker. You'll find Nyoka’s lifeless companions inside. Loot their bodies and give the medallions to Nyoka. Read the journal to find out what transpired.

Nyoka wants to collect Primal Pheromone Glands to use as bait. She needs to hunt primals on Scylla. Fast travel back to your ship. Use the navigation terminal to return to Scylla but use the regular Scylla landing pad this time rather than Harlow’s Base we used earlier.

Manage your inventory and weapons. Sleep for 6 hours. Eat and drink as necessary. Exit the ship. Take Nyoka and Vicar Max with you for their respective companion quests.

Follow the quest marker to hunt the primals for the Primal Pheromone Glands. As a point of interest, one of the primals you hunt is likely to be the Mega Primal, Col. Butterscotch.

Once you have the pheromone glands, the quest will update. Talk to Nyoka and give her the spoils from your hunt. Her companion quest will conclude on Monarch. In the meantime, make The Empty Man the active quest.

The Empty Man

Follow the quest marker to the Hermit’s Lodge. It’s in the same area where we picked up the science weapon earlier but the door was sealed. Go inside and talk to the Hermit.

Because you were not vindictive towards Cheyney, the Hermit immediately agrees to help. She directs you to the next room. Interact with the incense burner triggering a cut scene where Max experiences a vision. Select what you consider to be the most positive choices until you have an option that begins with [Perception]. Max must confront himself. Doing so, successfully terminates the vision.

Max is now at peace with himself. Talk to him to wrap up The Empty Man companion quest. Make Star-Crossed Troopers the active quest and fast travel back to your ship.

Star-Crossed Troopers

Use the navigation terminal to travel to the Fallbrook landing pad on Monarch. Tend to your equipment and inventory. Sleep 6 hours. Eat and drink as necessary. Exit the ship. Take Nyoka and Parvati with you. We’ll be completing Nyoka’s companion quest and advancing Parvati’s.

Sell excess inventory in Fallbrook or to Lenora right outside the Fallbrook gate. You should be using a Dead-Eye II Assault Rifle with Mag-2-Melt, Extend-O-Sight, and Funbarrel mods and an Assault Rifle Ultra with Mag-2-Zap, Extend-O-Sight, and Funbarrel mods.

Weapon Considerations

The next upgrade to the sniper-type weapon is the Hunting Rifle Hyper. Mod it with Mag-2-Melt and Funbarrel—it already has the Extend-O-Sight installed. Look for a Spacer’s Choice Light Assault Rifle Mk. III as the final upgrade to your assault-type long gun. Mod it with Mag-2-Zap, Extend-O-Sight, and Funbarrel.

  • The final sniper type long gun is the Dead-Eye II Assault Rifle that becomes available about the time you advance to level 30. It takes the Mag-2-Melt, Extend-O-Sight, and Funbarrel mods.
  • Because your base Science Level should now be at 100, you pay only 10% the tinker cost when leveling up your weapons. Thus, you should be able to always keep the sniper-type weapon and the assault type weapon the max 5 levels above yours.
  • Accordingly, your weapons are formidable. You need not be in any hurry to swap the Dead-Eye II out for the Hunting Rifle Hyper. If you’ve kept up with the tinkering, the leveled up Dead-Eye II is a very impressive weapon.

I bring up the weapons plan because the Cascadia Wilderness and the Sulfur Pits are infested with powerful enemies. Nevertheless, we are well equipped and our tactics that rely on long-range stand-off distances and liberal use of TTD will continue to serve us in good stead.

Follow the quest marker to the Mantisaur Hive. It’s just past the C&P Boarst Factory. At the terminal, input the password Charon—Nyoka provides it to you. Transition inside creating an auto-save.

The fight inside occurs in two stages. After defeating the first wave of enemies, place the Pheromone Glands at the markers and talk to Nyoka to trigger the second wave of enemies. Once you defeat the Mantiqueen and her minions, interact with Nyoka to conclude the Star-Crossed Troopers companion quest.

You can choose to persuade Nyoka to keep the medallions or bury them with her comrades. It’s your choice. I felt persuading Nyoka to keep the Medallions was more in keeping with the tone of the companion quest. Make Space-Crime Continuum the active quest.

Space-Crime Continuum

Follow the quest marker to Cascadia. If you look at your map, the simplest way is to go up until you hit the road and, then, take a left. You’ll hit the road in the vicinity of Cascadia Turnpike. If you interacted with Elroy Booth in the wilderness while, perhaps, doing the optional Mr. Pickett's Biggest Game; this is where Elroy relocates to set up shop. This was optional and Elroy never had anything I was particularly interested in so it’s fine if the Turnpike is vacant.

There are enemies on the road—mantisaurs and marauders. By this point, they shouldn’t present a problem especially because you can move freely along the road. When you get to Cascadia, the gate is locked—unless, in the unlikely event, your lock pick skill is 150 and you can open it. Otherwise, turn right, kill the enemies and find an unconcealed breach in the wall.

Enter the town through the breach. Eliminate the marauders and oversized auto-mechanicals. The layout favors you—you can exploit the many opportunities for cover and concealment.

Make Parvati’s companion quest, Don't Bite the Sun, active. Follow the quest marker to a building containing the Ersatz Sweetheart Cakes. Kill the enemies.

Take the cakes off the shelf. Give them to Parvati. This completes the Monarch section of Don't Bite The Sun. Check the nearby terminal to get a code to open the locked gate.

Look at your map. You’ll see Cascadia is in two parts. We’ll be going through the secret lab that connects the two parts so there’s really no need to unlock the gates but we'll do it for convenience on the offhand chance you might return. Next to the bar where you picked up the cakes is a building. Climb up the ladder and pick the lock (skill check around 60).

Inside, find the unique, named Heavy Weapon, Purpleberry Launch. It is the first ready-made weapon to feature N-Ray damage. It could be used to unlock the two achievements requiring N-Ray damage but we chose to modify a more accurate, longer range weapon for that purpose.

Just above your position on the map where you picked up the Purpleberry Launch is a large locked gate. Interact with the terminal next to it to unlock it. Cross the bridge and enter a booth on the right hand side. Interact with the terminal to open the northern gate and allow access to the second part of Cascadia.

As stated, this is for future convenience if you ever return to Cascadia. We’re not going to enter that part of Cascadia through the front entrance but through the underground secret lab. Backtrack and enter the largest building. On your map, it’s the topmost building in the first part of Cascadia.

Head inside and stick to the left. Go all the way back until you're in an office with a terminal. Interact with it and read the Executive Review - BLACKWOOD, ZORA.

Once you've read it, pick the option, “Export Executive Review for BLACKWOOD, ZORA to External Datapad.” This adds Zora's review to the quest items tab of our inventory. Zora’s review is a required item for a future quest tied to an achievement. Getting it now saves some tedious backtracking.

Make sure Space-Crime Continuum is active. Go to the building next to the large one. It has four pillars each with a large soda bottle—three of them are lit but the rightmost one is burnt out. On your map, it will be on the right corner of the first section of Cascadia depicted in the image below. The building to the left with the high tower is where you pick up Zora's review:

Interact with the terminal inside this building to provide access to an elevator. Go down the elevator into Rizzo’s Secret Laboratory. We’ll need to interact with a series of terminals. With Parvati in your party, you’ll be able to pass on the off-hand chance there are any skill checks you might not be able to pass on your own.

You’ll be accosted by a security robot—no need to kill it, you can get by with a dialog skills check. Follow the quest marker to a terminal. Interact with it. ADA will land your ship and the quest will update.

There is more than one way through the lab. Take care of enemies and watch out for mines. Follow the quest marker to the second terminal. It’s elevated and you’ll have to climb a ladder. Interact with the terminal to align the fuel.

When you attempt to initiate the Alta-Vitae Gas transfer, you'll be informed you have to use a special terminal. Follow the quest marker to the next terminal. You’ll have to defeat a Mantiqueen along the way. Interact with the terminal to connect the ship’s storage tanks to the landing pad refueling system. You can probably pass the Engineering skill check on your own—it’s around 40—but Parvati’s presence will guarantee success.

Make Weapons from the Void the active quest. Follow the quest marker. To the right of the elevator you’ll use to exit, there’s a series of ladders going up. They are treacherous. Unless you are confident in your jumping skills, take the elevator up and back down to create an auto-save.

With the insurance auto-save in hand, climb the ladders and jump across the spaces where necessary. On supernova, a fall from the top could kill you—hence the insurance auto-save. At the top you find a science weapon—the Mind Control Ray. Pick it up. Make sure to hang onto this weapon and do NOT sell. Go back down the way you came.

Canid’s Cradle

Make Canid’s Cradle active. The quest marker should be on the exit elevator you used for the auto-save. Go up it. Before you exit the safety of the building, check your map to orient yourself.

Your ship should now be on the Cascadia landing pad—it’s the big square on the bottom left of northern Cascadia. When you exit the building, you’ll be surrounded by enemies including named mega-raptidons. Because there are enemies in the area, you cannot fast travel to your ship.

You have options. You could fight them using the town’s buildings for cover and concealment. A more prudent course is to hightail it to your ship. This is why we checked the map. You should be oriented and know where to head. The landing pad is up the ramp. The raptidons will not follow you to the top and you can safely transition into your ship. You can invoke TTD for added security though the gauge will deplete rapidly with your high-speed movement.

Once inside the ship, whether or not you eliminated some or all of the enemies, get yourself situated. Stash items such as the science weapon you just picked up, manage your equipment, sleep, eat, and drink—you know the drill. When you’re ready, make a manual save.

Exit and take no companions with you—there’s some moderately challenging combat coming up. You should be fine but it’s best to keep companions out of harms way. The lone wolf perk will give you +25% damage—a big benefit against the upcoming enemies.

From your vantage point on the landing pad, you should be able to eliminate most if not all of the enemies you spared when exiting the Secret Lab. When the town has been ‘sanitized,’ follow the quest marker through a hole in the wall. Defeat, sneak by, &/or run by the assortment of mantisaur and raptidon enemies towards the quest marker.

You arrive at the Gunship Crash Site. Interact with the nearby terminal to obtain the Gunship Captain's cardkey. Use it to access the locked section of the ship. There, pick up the Cantankerous Canid Targeting Module. This is the item coveted by both the MSI and Iconoclast factions. The quest updates and tell you that you can give it either MSI (Sanjar) or the Iconoclasts (Graham).

Fast travel back to your ship. Use the navigation terminal and travel to the Stellar Bay Landing Pad. You should have a quest marker on it. We’re going to do some save manipulation so we can get two mutually exclusive achievements. Before you leave the ship, manage your equipment & inventory, sleep, eat, and drink. Make a hard save. This is your save file of record that we will be returning to. Do not over-write it.

Change the difficulty to Story or Normal. You can change it to Hard if you want or even keep it on Supernova. There’s going to be a decent combat section coming up. By now, you would have mastered the mechanics so your skills are certainly up to the task of playing on Supernova. Make a new manual save following our policy of NEVER over-writing a supernova save with a save of lesser difficulty.

This is the throw-away segment for the first of the two mutually exclusive achievements so, unless you want a challenge for the sake of the challenge, it’s counterproductive to exert yourself more than you have to. You'll find unrestricted fast travel and manual saves to be of benefit as well.

  • The achievement is associated with one of the less desirable endings of the game. One faction will defeat another. Not only is this unfair to the loser but the planet as a whole will suffer.
  • After we get the first achievement out of the way, we will work towards reconciliation and earn the second achievement. This will be associated with the good ending where both factions work together to make the planet thrive.

Exit the ship. You may take companions of your choice with you. You can set their inclinations to Aggressive if you want—since this is a throw-away, our usual practice of keeping them safe does not apply. Arm them with the best spare weapons you have.

Follow the quest marker to Sanjar. Ignore the second marker that directs you to the Iconoclasts. Give Sanjar the targeting module—the other dialog choices don’t matter.

Giving the targeting module to Sanjar, triggers the Iconoclasts to attack. Stellar Bay is severely damaged and not all exits are available. Accordingly, use the exit designated by the quest marker and follow it to the OSI Church.

You will be attacked by enemies along the way. The most efficient option is to run past them to the chapel. You cannot win the battle until you kill Graham and Zora. Accordingly, they should be your first priority.

When you reach the end, Graham and Zora will both be inside the chapel. Kill both of them. As soon as you kill the two Iconoclast leaders, the following achievement unlocks:

  • Monarch Abides

    Won the battle of Stellar Bay.

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If it doesn’t unlock immediately, you may have to kill a few Iconoclast stragglers. Killing the leaders, though it unlocks the achievement, does not conclude Canid’s Cradle. To do that, we would have to return to Sanjar. Nevertheless, we have no interest in pursuing that path.

We can use the opportunity to unlock a very simple achievement—75% or greater negative rep with three factions. By defeating the Iconoclasts, we have one of the three required. Fast travel to your ship and go to the Edgewater Landing Pad in Emerald Vale.

Exit the ship. Take the same companions you used against the Iconoclasts. Enter the town of Edgewater and massacre the inhabitants.

Check the negative rating periodically. You'll recall that to see your rating, press Guide for The Outer Worlds (Windows) (36) to bring up the inventory screen press Guide for The Outer Worlds (Windows) (37) to tab to Character and Guide for The Outer Worlds (Windows) (38) to tab to the Reputation screen. On the left side, the factions are shown in two groups: Primary and Secondary. Factions in both groups qualify for the achievement.

On the right side, the positive and negative status is shown. Only the negative status is relevant to the achievement—it must be at least 75%. It doesn't matter what the positive rating is. A negative rating of 75% and a positive rating of 100% would still qualify for this achievement. Spacer's Choice in Edgewater, most likely, had a 100% positive reputation. Bring the negative reputation to 75% or greater.

Once you have done so, exit town. Fast travel to the Botanical Lab. You'll find Adelaide all alone. Kill her. This will, instantly, result in a Deserter negative reputation of 100% and you will unlock:

  • Destroyer of Worlds

    Had maximum negative reputation with 3 factions.

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No need to return to your ship. Load the supernova save file for your game of record and delete the save file(s) you made while working on the Monarch Abides and Destroyer of Worlds achievements.

Exit the ship. Take Felix and Parvati with you to boost Persuasion although you should be able to easily pass the dialog checks without them. Follow the quest marker to Sanjar and talk to him. Use the following dialogue options:

  • Could you agree to a truce with the Iconoclasts?
  • I've read your reviews, Sanjar. You can't do this alone.
  • The people who wrote your reviews are the same type of people you'll deal with on the Board.
  • What about Graham's second-in-command, Zora?
  • I found Zora's review. Here.

With Sanjar in agreeable spirits, all we've got left to do is to go back to Amber Heights. It’s a little faster if you return to your ship and take it to the Fallbrook Landing pad. Exit the ship. Take Felix and Parvati with you making sure their inclinations are set to passive—we don’t want them to jump into a quick fight.

Follow the quest marker to Amber Heights creating an auto-save when you transition into town. The quest marker directs you to the main building. When you enter, before you can get to Graham, Zora will approach you. She wants to overthrow Graham. Agree.

Before you head upstairs, make sure you have your best sniper-type weapon equipped. Direct your companions to stay at the bottom to the side of the stairs—this is to keep them out of harm’s way.

Head upstairs, where you'll have a brief conversation with Graham. He'll refuse to leave triggering combat. As soon as you get out of the dialog and into combat, activate TTD and shoot Graham in the head. If the red dot does not change to white indicating a fatality, continue to shoot till dead. Immediately go past him and into the room at the back with the terminal.

If you are fast enough, that will be the end of it. Graham’s followers will not turn hostile and, instead, view Zora as their new leader. There is the possibility that other Iconoclasts will go after you and Zora. If so, you are in perfect position as the surroundings channel them into a kill zone as they head towards you. If anything goes wrong, load up the auto-save made when entering town and try again.

Once hostilities subside, talk to Zora. Use the following choices:

  • Hold on. I was thinking you and Sanjar could join forces.
  • [Persuade 55] Sanjar has corporate resources you could use to spread the message.
  • I've already spoken to him. He's agreed to meet.

Exit Amber Heights and follow the quest marker to the OSI Church. Zora will have preceded you there and Sanjar will also be present. Mediate the discussion between the two, picking the most agreeable options available. When the two parties come to an agreement, you'll be rewarded with an achievement:

  • Peace in Our Time

    Brokered peace between the Iconoclasts and MSI.

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If you were on the minimalist path and didn't get it earlier, pick up A Nice Hat. It's in the back of the Church worn by a skeleton. It's required for an achievement we'll get later in Byzantium.

Radio Free Monarch would have us travel to Phineas’s Lab. There, Phineas would give us the key to the Byzantium Freight Landing Pad. However, we get more XP if we depart from the Phineas path we’ve been following and switch to the Halcyon path. To do that, fast travel to your ship and use the navigation terminal to return to Groundbreaker.

9. Byzantium

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Author: Sen. Emmett Berge

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Author information

Name: Sen. Emmett Berge

Birthday: 1993-06-17

Address: 787 Elvis Divide, Port Brice, OH 24507-6802

Phone: +9779049645255

Job: Senior Healthcare Specialist

Hobby: Cycling, Model building, Kitesurfing, Origami, Lapidary, Dance, Basketball

Introduction: My name is Sen. Emmett Berge, I am a funny, vast, charming, courageous, enthusiastic, jolly, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.