Champion Build Guide
(25.S1.2) Eriosun's Qiyana Midlane Master Tier Guide, Rank 1 on the 24 Sisters - Season 15 [UPDATED]
By Eriosunx
I started playing in middle Season9 and peaked Diamond I in early Season10.
I know it sounds weird but, hold on, it wasnt my first experience on MOBA games.
I played DOTA 2 for years! So when switching to League of Legends I was still in my environment.
As I said , I come from Dota2, and in Dota details and game knowledge is a MUST.
That's why I decided to make a guide, I really like to speculate on the game details and share with you guys my experiences and knowledge.
I really hope this guide will help you out and answer some of the questions that playing Qiyana in the midlane raised in your minds.
So, with all that being said, hope you will enjoy the guide, I will do my best to keep it updated and make sure noone will be missing out on new builds and playstyles.
Here's my stream, If you are interested you can pass by and say Hi
I stream almost every day and you can find me:HERE
PROS 🟢 Strong Teamfighter 🟢 Good mobility on waves 🟢 High mechanical skill-roof 🟢 Rewarding when played correctly 🟢 Survivability in Fights/Sidelane | CONS 🔴 Low HP in lane 🔴 Sensible to Crowd Controls 🔴 Hard to properly Flank 🔴 Easy to punish in laning-phase |
ELECTROCUTE Electrocute is the standard keystone for Qiyana and it's the best one for short-trade matchups or while versing squishy champions. The oneshot potential level 6 is very high if we land our combos correctly. Electrocute has also an insane impact in lane after we close Serrated Dirk, it will be very easy to surprise our opponent and solo-kill him with Electrocute and Ignite damage. |
CONQUEROR Seems a bit odd to go Conqueror on a full-oneshot assassin like Qiyana but trust me, this keystone is insane. First of all, we have the potential to kill leve 1, level 2, since in the meele matchups like Yasuo or Ekko for example, they know they should win level 1, but with Conqueror the early levels work in our favor. Weaving autos will deal way more damage than Electrocute and there's also another catch. Qiyana has the possibility to prolongue fights with her Edge of Ixtal BRUSH Type allowing us to stack Conqueror and get more value from the keystone. |
FIRST STRIKE First Strike is my choice when I have to face very hard matchups, when whatever you do, you will always get out-traded and it's just not even worth risking your entire laning-phase trying to kill him. An example could be LeBlanc matchup. But what does First Strike do? Well, it's easier to close items and we can also play with Minion Dematerializer. Also the combination of Cosmic Insight, Teleport, Doran's Shield and Resolve runes really allow you to play a very safe laning-phase while farming properly, being able to scale off and have insane impact in teamfights & side-lanes, since we will have Teleport and also good amount of survivability with Edge of Ixtal BRUSH Type |
YOUMUU'S GHOSTBLADE It's strong and it's clearly the game changer, the Youmuu's Ghostblade fits perfectly Qiyana's playstyle in the game where we need to ROAM A LOT, allows us to have a huge damage spike on completion, and that's not all. Youmuu's Ghostblade both passive and active give insane amounts of movement speed, wich we can use to FLANK TEAMFIGHTS or PICK OFF SENSIBLE TARGETS. Also ROAMING can be done efficiently with the out of combat bonus movement speed. |
OPPORTUNITY is very good both as SECOND ITEM and as a STARTER ITEM, the buildpath is perfect and is VERY CHEAP, allowing you to spike very fast and start snowballing from there. Opportunity is also perfect for Roaming, since it gives us base movement speed. |
AXIOM ARC Qiyana's kit is relies almost totaly around her Ultimate Supreme Display of Talent, ths is why Axiom Arc has to be present in every single build. Also stat wise, is very cost efficient and has the highest amount of CDR in a single item. |
PROFANE HYDRA is insanely strong and can be rushed first item if you manage to back with enough gold to buy The Brutalizer. Profane Hydra has an insane spike on completion and allows you to swiftly clear waves and roam! |
SERYLDA'S GRUDGE Is a perfect item to spike up our damage output. It's very cost efficient. The slow on the passive is very usefull, the CDR also plays an important role to make sure Qiyana works as intended. The ARMOR PENETRATION allows us to deal damage even to the tankiest champions |
EDGE OF NIGHT Perfect second item while facing champions that can stop your flanks, such as Ahri, Lissandra for example. This items grants good lethality and damage out-put while also giving us a good amount of HP, wich is very rare in Qiyana builds. |
SERPENT'S FANG Is a MUST TAKE ITEM when facing a lot of SHIELDS, examples could be Lulu, Karma, Janna, Yone, Yuumi and any other champion that plays a lot around shields, is also a great counter to ADCs with Overheal. It's very cost efficient, only 2600 Gold and allows us to damage trough enemy shields or lower their amount if we hit the target before it gets shielded! |
MURAMANA Gives us both CDR and INSANE DAMAGE OUTPUT. It's a MUST BUY ITEM as 2nd item while playing with the Tear of the Goddess start First Strike + Resolve + Teleport build and as 3rd Item in any other build. Allowing us to spike even harder Mid/Lategame. |
BLACK CLEAVER Really good and consistent option as 3rd Item. The CDR + HP + Armor Shredding passive is very strong against tanky champions. The HP also play a good part of the reason why you want to go Black Cleaver third Item. If you find yourself getting onetapped too often, this might be your GAME CHANGER! |
MAW OF MALMORTIUS The best item right now to COUNTER AP DAMAGE. MUST BUY when facing AP CHAMPIONS that can oneshot you. When you are facing 2 AP champions is a must buy, but also if there is only one and it's well fed. The passive shield Life Line allows you to not get onetapped and also turn back and heal a lot while dealing damage. Life Line gives 12% OMNIVAMP while the effect is active! |
DEATH'S DANCE Wanna 1v9? This is the best 4th Item for you! Death's Dance is isanely strong if we are ahead. The passive allows us to HEAL HP BACK after killing an enemy. Qiyana has very high AD RATIOS and Death's Dance healing works on that. More AD, more Healing, more 1v9 potential! ALso with the Unique passive IGNORE PAIN - We can mitigate the incoming damage and avoid getting onetapped from both MAGICAL & PHYSICAL DAMAGE. |
GUARDIAN ANGEL Is a good option as last item. Guardian Angel allows us to take risky engages in the lategame fights, where one mistake decides the outcome of the entire lobby. Make sure to buy it if the game is getting very hard, and you need a little bit of backup. |
QUICK CAST In order to play Qiyana correctly and make sure we will be peforming it's important to play with Quick Cast activated. Being very fast on combos is the fun part of Qiyana and also the part that makes the champion work. So for all the non-quick cast enjoyers, we have a problem here! |
NOT GIVING UP For all the new Qiyana enjoyers here, first games on Qiyana might look impossible to play some times, it's very frustrating when you Ult the wrong wall 🤣 I've also quitted playing the champion myself too when I was approaching Qiyana, after the 3rd game I got stomped in lane. But trust me, keep trying and watch the best players out there. You will learn a lot and get better at the champ very quickly. This champion is very fun to play once Mastered! |
IMPORTANCE OF BASIC ATTACKS Qiyana might look like a champ that just throws everything and oneshots, but it's not really like that. Basic Attacks here make the big difference. Make sure to pull off Basic Attacks while performing Combos. |
TERRASHAPE USAGE Terrashape is a very versatile ability on Qiyana it can be used for: GAP-CLOSING,AUTO-RESETTING & JUMPING WALLS. Make sure to play around it and utilize this ability at his full potential. |
BUILD SELECTION As Qiyana we have a lot of Items to choose from the Shop. But be aware that everything you buy will have a huge impact on the entire game. Make sure to think while building and not buying the same 5 items every game. Buy and Optimize, this is the rule! |
R ENGAGE ANGLE In order to pull off easily solo-kill is important to start our one-shot combos with Audacity + Supreme Display of Talent, but some times you find yourself Ulting in the wrong side, wanna fix this? It's important to have the right angle when using Audacity in order to land to the right side and make sure Supreme Display of Talent will land and collide with a wall. |
ULTIMATE USAGE As we already said, Supreme Display of Talent is insanely strong, but has also a very high cooldown at low levels. Make sure to utilize this Ability mostly around Main Objectives, like Drakes, Rift Herald or Baron. Don't use it to get a single kill if the Objective timer is close to spawn, unless killing that target will allow you to take the Objective anyway! |
E + Q MECHANIC If we cast Edge of Ixtal right after Audacity Qiyana will auto-aim her Edge of Ixtal. The enemy can still dodge the ability by dashing or using Flash it will auto-aim but won't follow the target's movements. |
LEVEL 1 TO 3 The early levels in Qiyana's laning-phase are crucial. Make sure to avoid losing too much health from Level 1 to level 3, we need to stay healthy for level 3. This is where we can actually have a good kill-window or major trades, so it's important we have the HP for that. A lot of Qiyana approachers make the mistake to lose half health level 1 just to last-hit a minion, and that's rarely worth it. Being healthy in lane also gives us the opportunity to follow our jungler in early river schermishes. |
PREPARING THE SOLOKILLS Qiyana has a huge kill-pressure if we play the laning-phase correctly, but how do we lower enemy laner's health without losing the trade? Well, here the Q+W+Q COMBO comes in. To make it easier, utilize Edge of Ixtal ICE Type for the first Q and Edge of Ixtal TERRAIN Type for the second Q. This will allow us to poke down the enemy laner without getting too close and risking to get traded back. You can also use Audacity on a minion to gap-close and land the combo. |
WAVE MANAGEMENT Managing your waves as Qiyana will have a huge impact on the outcome of your laning-phases. Since we have a 0.5s stun on Edge of Ixtal ICE Type wich we can also combine with Audacity to gap-close, we have a significant way to set-up ganks for our jungler. Allowing us to easily snowball from the early game. Make sure to FREEZE the wave as much as you can if you have jungle pressure, this will open up a lot of windows to solo-kill the enemy midlaner or allow your jungler to gank. Permapushing carelessly is not a thing you can do with our Sister. Play with Brain, that's the rule! |
BRUSH Q ANGLE It might seem weaker due to the less damage it does but Edge of Ixtal BRUSH Type is something you have to learn to use. E+AUTO+Q+W-OUT with BRUSH Type is the perfect combo to trade , proc Electrocute and get out safely. |
SERRATED DIRK SPIKE Serrated Dirk is the very first spike Qiyana has in laning-phase. From level 3 to 5, if we have Serrated Dirk closed we will have a lot of kill-pressure, so make sure to close it as soon as possible to start snowballing. Combine this spike with Edge of Ixtal BRUSH Type combo, and the lane is won! |
LEVEL 6 When we hit level 6, our Ultimate Supreme Display of Talent will give us even more kill-pressure. Make sure to utilize this window to get some kills, if the enemy mid plays safe under tower and a dive is not an option, try to make a play with your jungler, maybe a dive in side-lane or an invade in the enemy jungle! |
FLANKING Qiyana's strongest feature is her flanking potential thanks to her insane Ultimate Supreme Display of Talent. Whe can flank a teamfight from basically any angle! We can either join the teamfight once our team setted it up, or we can engage the teamfight if we find a good Ultimate angle, where we can oneshot a couple of enemy team members or just deal a good amount of damage, to let our team finish the fight. Due to her good flanking potential, its also important to run Teleport as summoner spell when you can. Since Qiyana is pretty strong in side-lane thanks to her insane 1v1 potential and mobility, if you are ahead noone will be able to contest your side 1v1 and if the enemy team decides to send 2 or 3 players on your side you can easily escape with Qiyana's mobility and use Teleport to flank if any teamfight occurs while you are sidelaning. |
PRIORITY TARGETING Priority Targeting is the tought process of choosing wich one of the enemy team member has to die first. This allows us to not waste Damage on less important targets and make sure we can win each and every teamfight. Priority Targets are mainly the ones dealing the most damage or the ones offering Healing and Utility. Often ADCs and Supports are the target, but not always. Make sure to not play auto-pilot and think about what you are doing and going to do in the next fights! |
BACK TO FRONT Back to Front is the most optimal way to engage as Qiyana. Landing a huge Supreme Display of Talent on the enemy Backline one-shotting the priority targets is our main goal for each and every teamfight. |
FRONT TO BACK Qiyana's mobility allows her to play Front to Back in teamfights. We can use our Audacity to gap-close on a Frontlining Tank and then proceed to focus the Backline if our positionig doesn't allow us to go directly for the backline |
BRUSH Q FIGHTING Qiyana is very strong but, she's also very squishy. make sure to abuse Edge of Ixtal BRUSH type, utilize this ability to stall the fight and wait for your spells to get out of cooldowns and keep fighting. It's also great to distract enemies while fighting, you move the fight focus on you, and then go invisible with BRUSH type. |
LEVEL 2 LANE POKE This combo allows us to properly poke and prepare for eventual solo-kills level 3. It's important to get used to it, faster it's performed the more effective it will be! |
BRUSH Q TRADING This combo allows us to properly poke and prepare for eventual solo-kills from level 3 to above. It's perfect to make a full rotation combo, while also utilizing Electrocute's damage. Eventually we will have another Terrashape to get out of the trade avoiding getting a trade-back! |
BASIC R COMBO This is the standard combo, perfect to join or engage fights to one-tap someone in the enemy team. Make sure to get the right angle after Audacity, we don't wanna Ultimate on the wrong Wall! |
FLASH + R BUFFER COMBO This is the R Buffer version of the combo up there, perfect to join or engage fights to one-tap someone in the enemy team. We don't need to start with Audacity so we don't have to worry about the angle. It's very versatile and this is why going Ionian Boots of Lucidity is so important on Qiyana lowering our summoner's spell cooldown. |
E + Q AUTOAIM MECHANIC This mechanic makes our life a bit easier. If we use Edge of Ixtal right after Audacity the Edge of Ixtal will auto-aim towards the champion targeted by Audacity. The spell will follow the enemy but won't change direction based on enemy's movements, so they can still avoid the Edge of Ixtal damage with Flash or any other mobility mechanic. |